NDIS Respite & Short Term Accommodation Explained
May 8, 2023

What is Short Term Accommodation including respite?
According to the NDIS, Short Term Accommodation (or STA) is a type of support offered when a person needs to live out of home for a short period of time.
On the other hand, respite care is a type of support for carers, allowing them to take a short break from their caring responsibilities. NDIS Respite is important for both the participant and the carer to help prevent carer fatigue and burnout while also allowing participants to develop new skills or participate in community activities, making it mutually beneficial for both the participant and the carer.
Does the NDIS support Short Term Accommodation and respite?
Yes, as well as STA, the NDIS also covers personal care, accommodation, food and activities that the participant and the provider agree to.
The NDIS currently covers up to 28 days of Short Term Accommodation per year, and these days can be broken up into bigger blocks (like a fortnight stay) or shorter periods, such as one weekend per month.
For NDIS respite care, funding depends on a participant’s plan and can also include additional resources like family support and counselling. For more information or to learn how to understand, manage or change your plan, the NDIS can assist with this here.
What can I expect from STA and NDIS respite?
STA is based on the needs and support required from participants, so STA looks different for different people. It could be one-on-one short-term care with a support worker, a group-based facility where the participant is paired with others, or an overnight or weekend facility-based support where the STA will match the individual’s needs.
STA shouldn’t be daunting for participants, in fact, it’s a great way for participants to achieve independence goals and a great way to engage with the community or meet new people. Depending on the individual’s needs and interests, STA support allows individuals to get out and about and enjoy their living, for example this could be: watching a movie, visiting a theme park, joining a sporting club, visiting a local library or attending a personal development course.
Aspire Hub client, Valerie had her first short-term respite stay at one of our new homes in Perth and shared her experience.
“I have just completed my first 4-day respite and I have to say I am warmly impressed at the care, attention to detail, the lovely home we stayed in and every step of the way, being 100 percent supported,” she said.
“Honestly, I cannot wait for my next respite…. the carers are awesome, kind, thoughtful, considerate and read your needs so well. It is refreshing to experience such a positive and “can do” attitude.”
How can Aspire Hub help?
At Aspire Hub, we’re all about raising the standards of disability support through a person-centric approach. We believe in putting our clients first and empowering people with disabilities to live the life they choose.
We have a range of Short-Term Accommodation options available for eligible NDIS participants to access up to 14 days away from their home. As the NDIS typically funds up to 28 days of STA each year, participants have the choice of when to use this support.
What care is included?
Aside from accommodation, Aspire Hub also offers support for NDIS participants. Depending on the levels of care required, participants can also access personal care such as showering and dressing, medication management, personal development assistance and lifestyle and recreational assistance. This allows participants to engage with the community, meet new people and keep up with their favourite hobbies.
What vacancies are available?
Our vacancies include a range of quality, NDIS approved housing, spanning from the Gold Cost to Logan City and Ipswich in Queensland as well as a range of short-term accommodation available in Perth. Located close to public transport, medical facilities and dining options, participants are well- connected to the community and there’s plenty to see and do around the residencies.
Our homes have been built in collaboration with builders, to ensure each home is designed for as much independence as possible within the NDIS accommodation model. For a full list of our current vacancies, click here.
We hope this guide helped you understand a little more about Short Term Accommodation and respite care. For more information on our STA accommodation or to enquire about our availabilities, click here. Alternatively, reach out to us here. With no waiting lists on our STA housing, our friendly team are ready when you are!
Contact us here to find enquire about STA in Brisbane
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